Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a relaxed and informal way of introducing people to the best news they’ll ever hear – the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Over seven interactive sessions in Mark’s Gospel, guests find out more about the life of the person at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus.

A seven-week series that helps us find answers to big questions in the pages of Mark’s Gospel – the biography of the man who changed history.
There we see that Jesus was a unique person, with a unique mission, which has huge implications for every one of us.
The Bible is clear that the way we respond to Jesus has far-reaching consequences for us. Christianity Explored helps us discover and understand Jesus’s offer of salvation, and why it’s the best news we could ever hear.
The seven sessions consider:
- Good News – What are we doing here?
- Identity – Who is Jesus?
- Sin – Why did Jesus come?
- The Cross – Why did Jesus die?
- Resurrection – Why did Jesus rise?
- Grace – How can God accept us?
- Come and Die – What does it mean to follow Jesus?
Christianity Explored is featured here as a recommended third-party resource. Agapé UK is not involved in the development or content of this resource.
For anyone who wants to explore the basis of the Christian faith, through meeting Jesus in the pages of Scripture.
Each session of Christianity Explored focuses on a different aspect of Jesus’s life, and what it means for us. The series works through the eyewitness accounts in the Gospel of Mark, to see what Jesus did and said during His time on earth.
The sessions include:
- discussion of a short passage from the Gospel
- a 10-15 minute video presentation addressing the focus for that week (see under What is it?)
- discussion of the presentation and a chance to ask questions
Between sessions guests are encouraged to read through the next 2-3 chapters of the Gospel and reflect on what it reveals about Jesus and what he came to do.
There are lots of resources to help you run your course on the Leader’s Area of the Christianity Explored website, which you can access by registering for free at
Christianity Explored is part of a portfolio of resources aimed at encouraging and equipping the local church around the world in biblically rooted evangelism.
There are four core resources, Christianity Explored, Hope Explored, Life Explored and Discipleship Explored, which are regularly refreshed and adapted for different audiences. The resources are used in over 150 countries and have been translated into more than 60 languages.
The course is very flexible. You can use it one-to-one or in larger groups; in churches or in homes.
‘I love that it’s grounded in Mark’s gospel and introduces people to Jesus through the gospel. I will continue using it for many years to come.’ – David
‘Christianity Explored was very interesting, but most importantly it answered many of the questions that I had.’ – Mike
The Leader’s Kit containing one of everything you need to get started is £29.99.
You can also separately purchase extra handbooks, the course videos (downloads or DVDs) and any additional promotional materials and translations.
Click on the left-hand button below to visit the Christianity Explored Ministries website to find out more about the series.
Click on the right-hand button to see Session 1: Good News.
If you’d like to run the Christianity Explored series, the best way to start is to get hold of a Leader’s Kit, which contains:
- A leader’s handbook
- A guest handbook
- Course films – on DVD and to download
- A quick start guide
All of the above are available from The Good Book Company at