Guided Spiritual Retreats

Each retreat is a PDF file consisting of a set of colourful cards that guide you through a themed retreat lasting anything from a single hour to 30mins a day over several days.
All the retreats were originally designed to be used by Agapé UK staff and some of the cards reflect that. However, they are still relevant to anyone.
The retreats currently available are based on the following Bible passages or characters or themes:
- Genesis 16 (Hagar) – Being seen and known by God
- Psalm 145 – In praise of God
- Disconnect to reconnect with God – John 16
Anyone can benefit from these Bible-based retreats.
They can be used on a personal basis, or as a group where you take time to reflect individually with the option of coming together to share parts of the experience and what God has been saying to you.
The sequence of cards explains what to do at each stage of the retreat pointing you to…
- passages from the Bible to read
- questions to ponder
- songs or videos on the internet to listen to or watch
- views, sounds, smells or tastes to reflect on
The retreat is usually divided into sections with suggested timings for each part, but you can take as long as you like. Some retreats include time to take a refreshment break part way through.
All the retreats are FREE to download
Click on the button below to ‘Buy this resource’. You will be taken to a page listing all of the retreats offered. Click on any retreat to download.