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Featured Resources

The Living & Telling course is designed to inspire, encourage and enable you to help others discover Jesus and to do that naturally as a way of life. 

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Knowing God Personally Booklet

A clear, concise way to help people discover the good news of Jesus.  

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The Biscuit Trail exercise came out of our experiences in having conversations about faith with friends and colleagues.  It is designed to help those conversations come more naturally and easily. 

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A prayer card to remind, encourage and help you to pray for specific friends and acquaintances.

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A course about evangelism for non-evangelists. A 10-week discipleship course, to get excited about God’s good news for the world, and be inspired to go talk to others about Jesus.

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Make evangelism less awkward. A small group resource that helps you break evangelism down into 12 short, simple steps.


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Sharing Faith

Using art to open up deep conversations. A simple and very visual tool to initiate conversations and help people express thoughts and feelings about life, faith, God and more. 

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A clear, concise way to help people discover the good news of Jesus.


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Digital Apps

Video conversation starters in over 2000 languages. Watch short clips or longer videos, made by a diverse variety of producers from around the world, that guide you into deeper conversations 

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Evangelism training for the digital age. Teach yourself or others how to help explain the good news about Jesus with clarity and confidence, using simple tools and resources.


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